Create / Delete storages around the server while live
Admin or job based
Set storage name, price, tier
Purchase storages
Upgrades available to increase space if you are the owner of the storage
Set/change storage name and password if you are the owner of the storage
Set limits on how many storages each player can own
Toggle storage fees
Enable/disable autopay
Fees can be paid when player is offline if autopay is enabled
Fees increase based on the storage tier
Admin command to force all storage fees to be paid
Set time between fee payments from the config
If players dont pay in time, they are no longer the owner of the locker and it is put back on the market (with items in them)
Police raids
Set specific jobs and required ranks that can raid storages
Random skill checks can be configured. Random check amounts and random key variations
Discord Logging
Create storage
Delete storage
Edit storage info
Storage upgrades
Storage raid attempts
Storage fee payments
Last updated