🔌Installation & Usage


  1. Open the provided SQL and find the framework you are using, copy the correct SQL string.

  2. Add the SQL to your database

  3. Add the cleaning supplies item to your inventory


Entering & Exiting Prison

When entering or exiting prison, trigger the following exports.

-- Entering
-- Creates a new location for your prison job, if you have one

-- Exiting
-- Removes job related points, blips, etc

Server Config Functions

Initialize Jail Time

This function is only used if you're not using xt-prison. Use case is returning the playerdata that your prison resource uses. On load, it will set that metadata to the playerstate that is used in xt-prisonjobs. Reducing time properly is handled with the other functions.

This example is in the case of using QBCore. The function passes the player object by default

initJailTime = function(player)
    return player.PlayerData.metadata.injail

Reduce Time

This function is triggered to reduce your jail time. You should trigger events/functions for setting a new jail time for your prison resource.

reduceTime = function(source, setTime)
    return exports['xt-prison']:SetJailTime(source, setTime)

Check Out

This function is triggered when a player presses the Check Out button in the menu. This should trigger events/functions to release a player from prison.

checkOut = function(source)
    return lib.callback.await('xt-prison:client:exitJail', source, true)

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