General Features
Native GTA:O Slasher games sounds for heartbeats, win, loss, round start, and round end
Lobby browser, allows players to create their own lobbies, customize them, or join and leave existing lobbies
Random weapon selection for slashers
Surviving players receive a random weapon in the last X seconds of the round, giving them the chance to kill the slasher(s)
Spectating cam when dead. Follows the surviving slashers, allowing players to switch between slashers to spectate
Ability to create new maps/locations for players to choose from
Open functions to blackout and change the time of day when the round starts
Set outfits for slashers
Special Features
When players are killed, a ghost of their ped is created at the location they were killed at until the round ends
When slashers get close to surviving players, an audible heartbeat sound is heard from the player
Lobby Customization
Choose map
Set max players
Set max amount of slashers
Set max rounds
Set the round lengths (in minutes)
Set the allowed time to hide (in seconds)
Last updated