Create cooldowns for any activities in your server
Check if cooldowns are active using simple a callback
Toggle cooldowns using a simple a callback
Cooldowns will disable automatically, allowing the activity to be usable again
Global cooldown used to enable/disable ALL activties using the cooldown callbacks
Grace period feature
Some servers have grace periods when the server starts up or is about to shutdown. Global cooldowns will auto enable/disable when the server starts and before it restarts for the lenght of time you set your grace period to be.
Ex: If 15 mins, all activites are diabled for 15 mins when the server starts up or is about to shut down
Admin menu for cooldowns
Create new cooldowns (obviously not used unless the callback is implemented in the code to check that cooldown)
Toggle cooldowns
Toggle global cooldown
Change cooldown lengths (length edits save to the database when the server restarts)
Discord Logs
New cooldown created
Cooldown toggled
Cooldown length changed
Last updated