General Features
Player owned Pets!
Pets have a metabolism that needs to be maintained
Hunger & Thirst
Set different max health values based on pet type
Pets can perform animations (if applicable)
Choose your pet's coat variation on creation
Set and change your pet's name at anytime
Pets will follow commands like wait & follow
Your pet can ride along with you in your vehicle
Choose your pet's coat variation
Pet blip to track your pet
ox_inventory hooks
Pets can't be traded between players, placed in trunks/gloveboxes while the pet is out
Players are unable to spawn other player's pets
Pet Metabolism
Pets have a metabolism that needs to be maintained
Set the required item to feed, hydrate, and heal your pets
When a pet's hydration/hunger is empty, they will eventually "die" and need to be taken to a vet!
Purchase medical items for your pet to manage their health on the go
Veterinarian Features
Pets that reach zero health need to see a vet and cannot be spawned
Vet restores selected pet to max health and restored metabolism values
Pet requires a vet when it is "dead"
Last updated