🔌Installation & Usage


  1. Add provided items & images to ox_inventory

  2. Add pet shop to ox_inventory shops

  3. Configure your config files



To get the data of your current pet, you can use the following export, or playerstate.

local myPet = exports['xt-pets']:GetPet()

local myPet = LocalPlayer.state.pet

Returns table of data regarding pet info, or nil.

id: pet entity id model: pet entity model name: pet name waiting: pet waiting state vehicle: entity of vehicle pet is in, or false seat: seat index of pet, or false animation: pet's current animation food: pet's food value water: pet's water value health: pet's health value variation: pet's coat variation


You can get the data of all pets spawned on the server by using the following export. Returns all pets on the server, indexed by player sources.

local allPets = exports['xt-pets']:GetAllPets()

You can get the data of an individual player's pet by using the following export and passing the player's source as the param. Returns the pet data, or nil.

local playerPet = exports['xt-pets']:GetPet(source)

active: if pet is active petName: name of pet petOwner: cid of pet owner itemName: item used to spawn pet

Last updated